Rust | Oxide Permissions Print

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The permission system in Oxide handles controlling who can use specific commands and features which most plugins offer. You can input any of these commands within your console if you are logged in on an admin account. If you want to know how to set up an admin account, you should read our Knowledge Base article on how to set up an admin account in rust -

By default, the groups that are created by Oxide are: admin and default. These can be changed by editing those under the oxide.config.json file. The admin group will automatically be assigned to players that are recognized as admin by the server. The "default" group will automatically be assigned to ALL players that connect to the server.


Basic Explanation of UMod Permission System

You can think of UMod Oxide as a safe which holds your plugins. Within the safe, just like a real safe, you'll want a key or a code. This way you can make sure that only the people you want to have access to your safe have access to the contents of your safe. Plugin permissions are essentially the same thing.


A permission is a value which you can apply to a user group or an individual player allowing them access to a specific command within the plugin. A user group, simply, is a group for users. By default, UMod Oxide gives you an admin group and a default group. As it sounds, admins go in the admin group, everyone else is in default.


To find out if your mod requires you to pass out permissions to operate, you can tell because it will say so within the plugin overview at


As a hypothetical example, we'll use the permission from the made-up plugin SuperGather. Super Gather requires you to add the permission supergather.pickup in order to pick up super gather resources. It also grants users the /pickup command. If you want admins to have access to the /pickup command, and only admins, give the admin group access to this permission like so:


Press F1 to enter your console, and enter the following text:

oxide.grant group admin supergather.pickup 

Then press Enter.


The admins will now have access to this command.


On a side note, the admin group is a subgroup of default, which means if you give the default group access to supergather.pickup, admins will have it as well. You can do this by entering the following text into the console:


oxide.grant group default supergather.pickup


UMod Oxide Permission Commands

Below, you will see a list of commands which can be entered into the console in the above format.

Giving an individual player a permission

oxide.grant user BubeerJ oxide.reload

Removing a permission from an individual player

oxide.revoke user BubeerJ oxide.reload

Giving an entire Oxide group a permission

oxide.grant group admin oxide.reload

Removing a permission from a group

oxide.revoke group admin oxide.reload

Adding a user to an existing group

oxide.usergroup add BubeerJ admin

Removing a user from an existing group

oxide.usergroup remove BubeerJ admin

Adding a entirely new group

Code: add vip
Code: add vip VIP 0

Removing an existing group

Code: remove vip

Setting the title or rank of a group

Code: set vip "[VIP Member]"
Code: set vip "[VIP Member]" 1

Setting the parent group of another group

Code: parent admin default

Showing a user's permissions

Code: user BubeerJ

Showing a group's members and permissions

Code: group admin

Showing which user or group has a permission
Code: perm oxide.reload

Showing all groups or permissions
Code: groups
Code: perms

Using wildcards

A wildcard is something that covers multiple things at once time. For permissions, this is the * symbol. You can use the wildcard (*) to grant multiple permissions at one time. This can be done with all permissions or per plugin based on prefix.

oxide.grant group admin *
oxide.grant user BubeerJ oxide.*



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