How to create a Steam Workshop Collection Print

  • Creating a Steam Workshop Collection, Steam Workshop Collection, Steam Workshop, steam workshop, Steam workshop
  • 8

Creating a Steam Workshop collection is fairly straightforward and once created it will save you a lot of effort managing your mods in the future.

  1. Open Steam on your PC.
  2. Select Community then Workshop to enter the workshop area.
  3. Enter the name of the game you will be making a collection for in the search bar.
  4. Select your desired game, then click Browse, and then Collections.
  5. On the right-hand side, click Create Collection.
  6. When asked for your collection’s categories, choose ServerContent.
  7. If a game does not have the "ServerContent" category, select the category most appropriate to the collection you're creating.
  8. When finished, choose Save and Continue.
  9. You may now pick which mods to include in your collection. Steam allows you to choose from mods you have published, favourited, and mods that you have subscribed to.
  10. Once you have added all the mods desired, publish your workshop collection.
  11. The collection MUST be listed as Public with the Visibility option.
  12. Now, to find your workshop collection ID, visit your collection on Steam and note the URL you are brought to.

Here is an example of a workshop collection’s URL :

Your workshop collection ID is the ID at the end of the URL, in this case, the collection ID is 13371337.


You've successfully created yourself a mod collection! Now you can add just the mod collection, instead of every individual mod.


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