It's easy to configure your Pingperfect The Ship Server. Just follow the steps below.
- Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
- Select the 'Configuration Editor' option next to 'ship\cfg\server.cfg'
- Refer to the Configuration settings below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
Server Settings
hostname: //Server name
geolocation: //Tell server the server Location
rconpassword: //RCON Password
privatepassword: //Private server password, all players must enter this password if you set it in order to connect to your server.
Game Settings
gametype: // Hunt, Elimination, Duel or Deathmatch
bots: // Off or On
botwait: // Off or On, bots wait for players to join if On
minplayers: // Minimum players before round starts
Time Limit Settings
timecycle: 30 //Duration in minutes before map cycle
gamemodetime: 15 //Duration (minutes) in the specified game mode
countdowntimer: 10 //Countdown time (seconds) between rounds
quarrytimer: 90 //Countdown (seconds) between rounds following a quarry kill
mapstarttimer: 30 //Wait time (seconds) before the map starts
Kick/Ban Settings
playerwarn: 4 //Number of innocent kills before a player is warned
playerbancount: _warning ![playerwarn1] //Number of innocent kills before a player is kicked and banned
bankbalance: -7500 //Bank balances before a player is warned
playermoneyban: _warning ![bankbalance1] //Bank balances before a player is warned
Other Settings
victorymoney: 25000 //Victory money
witness: 1 //The minimum number of witnesses for a player to be arrested
arresttime: 5 //Time (seconds) before arrest when witnessed
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