- Make sure that the server is not running. If it is running, the Workshop setup will be overridden the next time you restart the server.
- Add a new section to the ROEngine.ini config file: [OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.TWWorkshopSteamworks]
- For each Workshop item you want the server to download, add a ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems=<number> line in that section.
You can find the number by looking for the id= part of the the URL of the Workshop item in Steam.
For example, the URL of the Workshop Test map is http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=951925087, so the line will be "ServerSubscribedWorkshopItems=951925087". There might be other text=number parts of the URL, so be sure to use only the number after "id=".
Example [OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.TWWorkshopSteamworks] section (This ID is for the MACV-SOG faction mod by Joe):