It's easy to configure your Pingperfect No More Room In Hell (NMRIH) Server. Just follow the steps below.
1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'nmrih\cfg\server.cfg'
3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
// The name of your server as you want it to show up on NMRiH's Server Browser
hostname "nmrih Server"
// The servers IP and port
//-- ip =
// The contact email for your main server admin (more than likely your email!)
//-- sv_contact ""
// Makes your server private so only people with the password can play on it
// Blank = Open to Public
sv_password ""
// The region of the world this server will report as being located in
// -1 = World
// 0 = US East Coast
// 1 = US West Coast
// 2 = South America
// 3 = Europe
// 4 = Asia
// 5 = Australia
// 6 = Middle East
// 7 = Africa
sv_region 3
// Is this server running on LAN or is it accessable to the world wide web?
// 0 = Internet
// 1 = Local Area Network (AKA "play-with-friends-behind-a-router-mode")
sv_lan 0
// Name of the .txt file containing a list of maps the server should cycle through
// mapcycle.txt - All maps
// mapcycle_objective.txt - Objective maps only
// mapcycle_survival.txt - Survival maps only
mapcyclefile "mapcycle.txt"
// A comma seperated list of tags that will show up in the server browser & make it easier for users to find the server they're looking for
// "Official" tags:
// custom - If your server is running custom gameplay settings/configs
// objective - If your server only cycles through objective maps
// survival - If your server only cycles through survival maps
// IE: sv_tags "example1, example2, example3"
sv_tags "custom, objective"
// ************************************************************************************
// ........................... Gameplay Settings - Basic ........................... //
// ************************************************************************************
// -- IMPORTANT: Add "custom" to sv_tags if your server doesn't use the defaults! -- //
// ************************************************************************************
// --- Basic gameplay settings for the server. --- //
// ************************************************************************************
// Friendly fire
// No need to add "custom" to sv_tags for changing this
//-- mp_friendlyfire 0
// If realism mode should be enabled. In realism mode Headshots are instant kills, while hits to all other areas of the body will do no damage.
// No need to add "custom" to sv_tags for changing this, you should however add "realism" to sv_tags if you turn it on.
//-- sv_realism 0
// If practice mode should be enabled.
//-- sv_practice_mode 0
// Transition time for ending practice mode.
// Default is 45
//-- sv_practice_transtime 45
// If you'll be able to hear footsteps
// Default is 1
//-- sv_footsteps 1
// If you can use the flashlight
// Default is 1
//-- mp_flashlight 1
// Voice command cooldown (seconds).
// Default is 3
//-- sv_voice_cooldown 3
// Enable communication over voice via microphone.
// Default is 1
//-- sv_voiceenable 1
// Players can hear all other players, No team or death restrictions.
// Default is 0
//-- sv_alltalk 0
// If spectators are allowed
// Default is ?
//-- mp_allowspectators 1
// Is the game pausable?
// Default is 0
//-- sv_pausable 0
// ************************************************************************************
// .......................... Gameplay Settings - Stamina .......................... //
// ************************************************************************************
// -- IMPORTANT: Add "custom" to sv_tags if your server doesn't use the defaults! -- //
// ************************************************************************************
// --- Gameplay settings involving stamina. --- //
// ************************************************************************************
// Cost of stamina per second of bash charge
// Default is 16
//-- sv_bash_cost_per_sec 16
// Stamina cost of shove
// Default is 20
//-- sv_shove_cost 20
// Initial stamina penalty when sprinting.
// Default is 18
//-- sv_sprint_penalty 15
// Amount of stamina drained per second while running
// Default is 3
//-- sv_stam_drainrate 3
// Stamina cost for a jump
// Default is 0
//-- sv_stam_jumpcost 0
// Fraction of movement speed when zero stamina
// Default is 0
//-- sv_stam_min_move_pct 0
// Fraction of sprinting speed when zero stamina
// Default is 0
//-- sv_stam_min_sprint_pct 0
// Stamina regained per second while crouched
// Default is 10
//-- sv_stam_regen_crouch 10
// Stamina regained per second while idle
// Default is 20
//-- sv_stam_regen_idle 20
// Stamina regained per second while moving
// Default is 5
//-- sv_stam_regen_moving 5
// Stamina regained per second while sprinting
// Default is 0
//-- sv_stam_regen_sprint 0
Looking for a game server host known for brilliant 24/7 customer support and quality hardware?
Try a Pingperfect No More Room In Hell (NMRIH) server today!