DayZ | How To: Change item durability / health Print

  • DayZ How To Change item durability / health, DayZ How To Change item durability, DayZ How To Change item health, How To Change item durability / health, DayZ, How To Change item durability, How To Change item health
  • 16

Click "File Manager" and navigate to mpmissions/<Mission_Name_Here>/cfgspawnabletypes.xml

Click the pencil icon to edit the file.

Find <damage min="0.1" max="0.4" /> for the item in question

Change the values for min and max as desired (lower value is higher durability/health and vice-versa)

If you used 0.0 for both the min and max values, it would spawn the item in with full health (pristine condition) as the minimum damage applied would be 0.0 (none) and the maximum damage applied would be 0.0 (none)

Make sure to save the file once your edits are done!

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