Battlefield 2142 | Server Configuration Print

  • Battlefield 2142 Server Configuration, battlefield 2142 server configuration, Battlefield 2142, battlefield 2142, Server Configuration, server configuration
  • 1

It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Battlefield 2142 Server. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'ServerSettings.con'
  3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

sv.serverName "BF2142 Server"    //Server name, exactly as it will be displayed in the in-game server browser

sv.password ""    //Server password, when set, will need to be entered by anyone who wants to join the server

sv.internet 1    //1 for Internet, 0 for LAN, do not change as it will stop your server from operating correctly

sv.bandwidthChoke 0    //0 for no bandwidth limit, 1 for bandwidth limit

sv.serverIP ""    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly

sv.serverPort 17567    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly

sv.welcomeMessage "Welcome to another gameserver"    //Welcome message, exactly as it will be displayed when a player joins the server

sv.punkBuster 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.allowFreeCam 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.allowExternalViews 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.allowNoseCam 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.hitIndicator 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.maxPlayers 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.numPlayersNeededToStart 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.notEnoughPlayersRestartDelay 15    //Increase value to increase not enough players to start delay, decrease value to decrease the not enough players to start delay

sv.startDelay 15    //Increase value to increase the start delay, decrease value to decrease start delay

sv.endDelay 15    //Increase value to increase the end delay, decrease value to decrease end delay

sv.spawnTime 15    //Increase value to increase the spawn time, decrease value to decrease spawn time

sv.manDownTime 15    //Increase value to increase man down time, decrease value to decrease man down time

sv.endOfRoundDelay 3    //Increase value to increase end of round delay, decrease value to decrease end of use delay

sv.ticketRatio 100    //Increase value to increase number of tickets, decrease value to decrease number of tickets

sv.roundsPerMap 3    //Increase value to increase the number of rounds per map, decrease value to decrease the number of rounds per map

sv.timeLimit 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.scoreLimit 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.soldierFriendlyFire 100    //Increase value to increase solider friendly fire damage, decrease value to decrease soldier friendly fire damage

sv.vehicleFriendlyFire 100    //Increase value to increase vehicle friendly fire damage, decrease value to decrease vehicle friendly fire damage

sv.soldierSplashFriendlyFire 100    //Increase value to increase soldier splash friendly fire damage, decrease value to decrease soldier splash friendly fire damage

sv.vehicleSplashFriendlyFire 100    //Increase value to increase vehicle splash friendly fire damage, decrease value to decrease vehicle splash friendly fire damage

sv.tkPunishEnabled 1    //1 to Enable player is kicked when they perform a team kill, 0 to disable player is kicked when they perform a team kill

sv.tkNumPunishToKick 3    //Change this to change how many times a player can team kill before they are punished and kicked from the server

sv.tkPunishByDefault 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.votingEnabled 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.voteTime 90    //Change this to change the time of a vote on the server

sv.minPlayersForVoting 2    //Change this to change the minimum (lowest) amount of players for a vote to take place

sv.gameSpyPort 17568    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly

sv.allowNATNegotiation 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.interfaceIP ""    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly

sv.autoRecord 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.demoIndexURL http://    //Do not change unless you know what you are doing, will stop your server from operating correctly if you don't

sv.demoDownloadURL http://    //Do not change unless you know what you are doing, will stop your server from operating correctly if you don't

sv.autoDemoHook "adminutils/demo/rotate_demo.exe"    //Do not change unless you know what you are doing, will stop your server from operating correctly if you don't

sv.demoQuality 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.adminScript "default"    //Do not change unless you know what you are doing, will stop your server from operating correctly if you don't

sv.timeBeforeRestartMap 30    //Increase value to increase the time before the map restarts, decrease value to decrease the time before the map restarts

sv.autoBalanceTeam 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.teamRatioPercent 100    //Change this to change the team ratio on the server

sv.voipEnabled 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.voipQuality 3    //Increase value to increase the VOIP (Voice chat) quality, decrease value to decrease the VOIP (voice chat) quality on the server

sv.voipServerRemote 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.voipServerRemoteIP ""    //Do not change unless you know what you are doing, will stop your server from operating correctly if you don't

sv.voipServerPort 55125    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly

sv.voipBFClientPort 55123    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly

sv.voipBFServerPort 55124    //Do not change, will stop your server from operating correctly

sv.voipSharedPassword ""    //If you set this, players must enter this password to use the VOIP (Voice Chat) on the server

sv.useGlobalRank 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.useGlobalUnlocks 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.minUnlockLevel 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.maxUnlockLevel -1    //Set to 1 to provide all players with access to all equipment regardless of rank, leave as -1 to keep the standard player's unlock equipment with their rank system

sv.sponsorText "Pingperfect"    //Change this to change the sponsor text of the server

sv.sponsorLogoURL ""    //Change this to change the sponsor logo URL (web page link) of the server

sv.communityLogoURL ""    //Change this to change the community logo URL (web page link) of the server

sv.customMapURL ""    //Set this  to the custom map's URL (web page link) if you are using a custom map on the server

sv.radioSpamInterval 6    //Increase value to increase the radio spam interval. Decrease value to decrease the radio spam interval

sv.radioMaxSpamFlagCount 6    //Increase value to increase the maximum amount of flags before it counts as spam, decrease value to decrease the maximum amount of flags before it counts as spam

sv.radioBlockedDurationTime 30    //Increase value to increase the amount of time you are blocked from the radio for spamming, decrease value to decrease the amount of time you are blocked from the radio for spamming

sv.maxRank 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.botSkill 0.5    //Change this value to change the skill level of all bots on the server - increase to make bots skill higher and bots harder to defeat, decrease to make bots skill lower and bots easier to defeat

sv.allowSpectators 0    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable

sv.allowTitanMovement 1    //1 to Enable, 0 to disable


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