In multiplayer, players that have the "ConsoleCommands" permission can use certain specific commands under the "Permitted console commands" part of the permissions menu. Players can input commands in a text input field at the bottom of the console window.
Press F3 to toggle the console.
Enter enablecheats
if a command won't work without it - warning! This will disable achievements.
Category | Command | Description |
Campaign | campaigndestination [index] | Set the target location in the current campaign. |
campaigninfo | Display info about the current campaign, such as current money, location and available destinations. | |
setlocationreputation [value] | Set your reputation to the current location to the specified value. | |
togglecampaignteleport | Toggles the ability to teleport to a location on the campaign map by double-clicking. Works only in singleplayer. | |
pause | Pauses the game. Only works in singleplayer. | |
Moderation | ban [character name] | Bans the selected character from the server. |
banendpoint [IP Address/SteamID] | Bans the selected IP Address/SteamID from the server. | |
banid [clientID] | Bans the selected clientID from the server. | |
bindkey [key] [command] | Binds a key to a command. | |
clientlist | Outputs the character name, clientID and ping of all players in the server to the console. | |
givecommandperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address] | Gives the selected player the permission to use the console commands typed in the next entry. | |
giveperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address] | Gives the selected player the permission typed in the next entry. | |
giverank [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address] | Gives the selected player the rank typed in the next entry. | |
kick [character name] | Kicks the selected character from the server. | |
kickid [clientID] | Kicks the selected clientID from the server. | |
killdisconnectedtimer [seconds] | Set the delay until disconnected players are killed. | |
msg [message] | Send a chat message with no sender specified. | |
mute [character name] | Blocks a character from speaking through voice chat. | |
resetkarma [clientID] | Resets the karma of a client to 100. | |
revokecommandperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address] | Revokes the selected player's permission to use the console commands typed in the next entry. | |
revokeperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address] | Revokes the selected player's permission typed in the next entry. | |
savebinds | Writes current keybinds into the config file (= keybinds set using the keybind command). | |
say [message] | Send a global chat message. When issued through the server command line, displays "HOST" as the sender. | |
sendchatmessage [sender name] [message] [message type 0-8] [red 0-255] [green 0-255] [blue 0-255] [alpha 0-255] | Sends a chat message with specified type and color. Multiplayer ONLY | |
setkarma [clientID] [0-100] | Sets the karma of a client to the specified value. | |
showkarma | Outputs the karma of all players to the console. | |
showperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address] | Outputs the permissions of the selected player to the console. | |
togglecharacternames | Toggle visibility of names above players. Client-side only. | |
togglekarma | Toggles the karma system on/off. | |
togglekarmatestmode | Toggles the karma test mode on/off. When on, notifies players of a karma change and its reason, also disables karma bans. | |
unban [character name] | Unbans the selected character from the server. | |
unbanip [IP Address] | Unbans the selected IP Address from the server. | |
unbindkey [key] | Unbinds a command previously bound using bindkey. | |
unmute [character name] | Allows a character to speak through voice chat. | |
Server Settings |
autorestart [true/false] | Enables/disables the round autorestart timer. |
autorestartinterval [seconds] | Sets the delay between rounds, if autorestart is enabled. Setting this to 0 disables autorestart. | |
autorestarttimer [seconds] | Sets the current autorestart timer to the specified value. | |
botcount [0-16] | Sets the amount of bots on the ship to the specified value. | |
botspawnmode [fill/normal] | Set how bots are spawned on the ship. | |
difficulty [0-100] | Sets the difficulty value of the server to the specified value. | |
startwhenclientsready [true/false] | Enables/disables autorestart when all players are ready. | |
Cheats | ballastflora infect | Infects random pump (priority those tagged "ballast") with Ballast Flora |
ballastflora growthwarp [number] | Increases growth speed of Ballast Flora | |
control [charactername] | Start controlling the specified character (client-only). | |
enablecheats | Enables cheat commands and disables achievements for the game session. | |
explosion [range] [force] [damage] [structural damage] [item damage] [emp strength] | Creates an explosion at the position of the cursor. | |
fire | Creates fire at the position of the cursor. | |
fixwalls/fixhulls | Fixes all walls on the ship. | |
fixitems | Restores all items to max condition. | |
freecam | Switches the game into spectator mode. | |
giveaffliction [affliction] [affliction strength] [character name] | Applies an Affliction to the specified character. Affliction is applied to the controlled character if name is omitted. | |
giveexperience [amount] [character name] | Gives experience to the specified character. Experience is given to the controlled character if name is omitted. | |
givetalent [talent] [character name] | Grants a Talent to the specified character. Talent is granted to the controlled character if name is omitted. | |
godmode [character name] | Makes the character invulnerable to damage. Controlled character is selected if name is omitted. | |
godmode_mainsub | Makes the submarine invulnerable to damage. | |
growthdelay | Sets how long it takes for planters to attempt to advance a plant's growth. | |
heal [character name] | Restores the specified character to max health. Controlled character is healed if name is omitted. | |
kill [character] | Immediately kills the specified character. Controlled character is killed if name is omitted. | |
killmonsters | Immediately kills all AI-controlled enemies in the level. | |
lighting | Toggles lighting on/off. Client-side only. | |
los | Toggle line-of-sight occlusion on/off. Client-side only. | |
money [integer value] | Adds the specified amount to the current balance in Marks | |
oxygen/air | Replenishes every room's oxygen levels to 100% | |
power | Immediately powers up all nuclear reactors. | |
respawnnow | Trigger a respawn if there are clients waiting to respawn. | |
revive [character name] | Brings the specified character back from the dead. Controlled character is revived if name is omitted. | |
setclientcharacter [client name] [character name] | Give control of the specified character to the specified client. | |
setskill [all/indentifier] [max/level] [character name] | Set specified skills of a specified client to a specified level. | |
spawn [creaturename/jobname] [near/inside/outside/cursor] | Spawn a creature or AI-controlled crewmember at the specified location. | |
spawnitem [item name/identifier] [cursor/inventory/cargo/random/[character name]] | Spawn an item at the specified location. Item is spawned at a random location if location is omitted. | |
teleportcharacter [character name] | Teleports the specified character to the cursor's position. | |
teleportsub [start/end/cursor] | Teleports the sub to a given location. Warning: Very glitchy. | |
upgradeitem [upgrade] [level] [items] | Adds an upgrade to the targeted item. | |
water | Toggles water editing. Add water to a room by holding left click, and drain water by holding right click. | |
Submarine Editor |
alpha [0-255] | Set the alpha (transparency) of the selected items/structures. |
color [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] | Set the RGB values of the selected items/structures. | |
load [submarine name] | Loads a submarine. | |
multiplylights [R,G,B,A] | Multiplies the colors/alphas of all static lights in the sub using the specified Vector4 value. | |
reloadsprite | Reloads the sprites of the selected items/structures. Also works in-game on the controlled character. | |
resetall | Resets all items/structures to prefab defaults. | |
resetentitiesbyidentifier [identifier] | Resets all items/structures with the given identifier to prefab defaults. | |
resetselected | Resets the properties of the selected items/structures to prefab default. | |
save [submarine name] | Saves the currently loaded submarine to ..\Barotrauma\Submarines\[submarine name]. Also works in singleplayer. | |
setentityproperties [property name] [value] | Set the specified property of the selected items/structures to the specified value. | |
togglegrid | Toggle visual snap grid in sub editor. | |
Misc | quickstart [submarine name] [difficulty] [level seed] | Starts a singleplayer sandbox (can only be executed from the main menu) |
wikiimage_character | Save an image of the currently controlled character with a transparent background. | |
wikiimage_sub | Save an image of the main submarine with a transparent background. | |
Debug Network |
netstats | Toggle visibility of the Network Statistics UI. |
simulatedduplicateschance [0.00-1.00] | Simulates packet duplication in network messages. A value of 1 means 100% of packets are duplicated. | |
simulatedlatency [min. latency (seconds)] [rand. latency (seconds)] | Applies a simulated latency to network messages. Useful for testing real network conditions. | |
simulatedloss [0.00-1.00] | Simulates packet loss in network messages. A value of 1 means 100% of packets are lost. | |
steamnetdebug | Toggles Steamworks network debug logging. | |
Debug In-game |
autoitemplacerdebug | Toggles automatic item placer debug info on/off. Auto-placed items are outputted to the console at round start. |
calculatehashes [content package name] | Show the MD5 hashes of the files in the specified content package. First content package is selected if name is omitted. | |
checkcrafting | Checks item crafting and deconstruction recipes for inconsistencies. | |
debugai | Toggles AI debug mode on/off. Only works in singleplayer. | |
debugdraw | Toggles the debug drawing mode on/off. Client-side only. | |
disablecrewai | Disables the AI of AI-controlled crewmembers. | |
disableenemyai | Disables the AI of AI-controlled enemies. | |
dumpentitytexts [filename.txt] | Writes the names and descriptions of every entity prefab along with xml translation tags to the specified .txt file. Data is written to Barotrauma\Content\Texts\EntityTexts.txt if file path is omitted. | |
dumpeventtexts [filename.txt] | Writes the text of every event file along with xml translation tags to the specified .txt file. Data is written to Barotrauma\Content\Texts\EventTexts.txt if file path is omitted. | |
dumptexts [filename.xml] | Writes the text of the specified .xml file to a .txt file with the same name. Data is read from EnglishVanilla.xml if file path is omitted. | |
dumptofile [filename] | Outputs the contents of the debug console into a text file in the game folder. If the filename argument is omitted, "consoleOutput.txt" is used as the filename. | |
editcharacters | Opens the Character Editor. | |
editevents | Opens the Event Editor. | |
editlevels | Opens the Level Editor | |
editparticles | Opens the Particle Editor. | |
editsprites | Opens the Sprite Editor. | |
editsubs/subeditor | Opens the Submarine Editor. | |
enablecrewai | Enables the AI of AI-controlled crewmembers. | |
enableenemyai | Enables the AI of AI-controlled enemies. | |
eventmanager | Toggles the master event manager on/off. Random events cannot happen if this is turned off. | |
findentityids [entity name] | Outputs the entityID of the specified entity to the console. | |
fpscounter | Toggles the in-game FPS counter on/off. | |
game | Switch to the in-game view. | |
gender [Male/Female/None] | Switches the gender of the controlled character to the specified value. | |
head [head id] [hair id] [beard id] [moustache id] [face attachment id] | Loads a head sprite and wearables to a controlled character. Hair, beard, moustache and face attachment ID's are optional. | |
hud/togglehud | Toggles the visibility of all the HUD elements. Client-side only. | |
hudlayoutdebugdraw | Toggles the debug drawing mode of HUD layout areas on/off. | |
interactdebugdraw | Toggles the debug drawing mode of item interaction ranges on/off. | |
itemlist/items | Outputs all item prefabs available for spawning. | |
jointscale [value] [character name] | Define the joint scaling for the specified character. Joint scaling is changed for the controlled character if name is omitted. | |
limbscale [value] [character name] | Define the limb scaling for the specified character. Limb scaling is changed for the controlled character if name is omitted. | |
listtasks | Outputs all asynchronous tasks currently in the task pool to the console. | |
loadtexts [sourcefile.txt] [destinationfile.xml] | Loads all lines of text from a .txt file to a .xml file sequentially. | |
loadwearable [id] | Force-select a certain job loadout variant for the controlled character. | |
lock | Locks movement of the main submarine. | |
lockx | Locks movement of the main submarine in the X (left-right) direction. | |
locky | Locks movement of the main submarine in the Y (up-down) direction. | |
mainmenu/menu | Switch to the main menu. | |
messagebox [header] [message] [default/in-game] | Create a message box. Client-side only. | |
race [White, Black, Asian, None] | Sets the race of the controlled character to the specified value. | |
ragdoll [character name] | Ragdolls the specified character. Ragdolls controlled character if name is omitted. | |
ragdollscale [character name] | Define the ragdoll scaling for the specified character. Ragdoll scaling is changed for the controlled character if name is omitted. | |
recreateragdoll [character name] | Recreate the ragdoll for the specified character. Ragdoll is recreated for the controlled character if name is omitted. | |
reloadwearables [character name] | Reloads the sprites of all limbs and clothes of the specified character. Sprites are reloaded for the controlled character if name is omitted. | |
resetragdoll [character name] | Resets the ragdoll of the specified character. Sprites are reloaded for the controlled character if name is omitted. | |
setfreecamspeed [speed] | Set the camera movement speed when not controlling a character. Defaults to 1. | |
showperf | Toggles visibility of the Performance Statistics HUD | |
showseed | Outputs the current level's seed to the console. | |
spawnsub [submarine name] | Spawns a submarine at the location of the cursor. | |
starttraitormissionimmediately | Skip the initial delay of the traitor mission and start one immediately. | |
toggleaitargets | Toggles the visiblity of AI targets. Client-side only. | |
toggleitemhighlights | Toggles the item highlight effect on/off. Client-side only. | |
toggleupperhud | Toggles the visibility of the upper HUD elements. Client-side only. (Use "hud" to hide it entirely.) | |
triggerevent [id] | Trigger a random event. | |
updatetextfile [sourcefile.txt/.xml] [destinationfile.txt/.xml] | Inserts absent xml elements from the source file into the destination file. Useful for updating outdated translation files. | |
verboselogging | Toggles verbose logging in the console on/off. When active, additional debug info is written to the console alongside standard info. |