Atlas | Server Configuration Print

  • Atlas Server Configuration, atlas server configuration, server configuration, Server Configuration, Atlas, atlas
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It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Atlas Server. Just follow the steps below (Please note this is for a single, standalone Atlas server, not clustered Atlas servers).

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Configuration Editor' option next to 'GameUserSettings.ini'
  3. Refer to the Configuration settings below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
  4. If you want to do advanced server configuration, select the 'Text-editor' option next to 'GameUserSettings.ini' instead.

Mods    //See our how to mod guide here:

Admin Password    //Admin (Administrator) password, when set here, can be used by anyone who wants to sign into admin status and perform admin commands on the server

PvE    //PvE (Player versus Environment) or PvP (Player versus Player)

XP Multiplier    1.000000    //Total XP multiplier, increase this value to increase the XP given on the server, and decrease this value to decrease the XP given on the server

Harvest Amount Multiplier    1.000000    //Increase this value to increase the amount of materials given when performing a harvesting action, or decrease this value to decrease the amount of materials given

Taming Speed Multiplier    1.000000    //Increase this value to increase the taming speed of Dinos on the server, decrease this value to decrease the taming speed of Dinos on the server.


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