Ark Survival Evolved | Server Configuration | Part 1 (GameUserSettings.ini) Print

  • GameUserSettings.ini, Ark Survival Evolved, ark survival evolved, Ark Survival Evolved Server Configuration, Server Configuration, server configuration, Ark Survival Evolved Server Configuration Part 1, Ark Survival Evolved Server Configuration GameUserSettings.ini
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It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Ark Survival Evolved Server. Just follow the steps below.

(Use config editor OR text editor DO NOT use both)

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Configuration Editor' option next to 'GameUserSettings.ini'
  3. Refer to the Configuration settings below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
  4. If you want to add extra configuration options, use the 'Text Editor' instead, and do not touch the 'Configuration Editor' at all


; Server name, exactly as it will be displayed in the in-game server browser

Server Name    ark Server

; Message of the Day, MOTD, exactly as it will be shown in the in-game server browser

Message of the Day    Welcome to another Server

; Follow our How to Mod guide here:


; If ticked, allows building in caves when PvE mode is also enabled.

Allow cave building in PVE   

; If ticked, allows Third Person View for all players

Allow Third Person View

; If ticked, notification is displayed when each player joins the server

Notify On Players Joining

; If ticked, notification is played when each player leaves the server

Notify on Players Leaving          

; If ticked, allows anyone to pick up wild dinos while flying

Allow flyer carry in PVE 

; Allows flyers to pick up players and dinos

Disable structure decay in PVE   

; Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK, controlling how often day changes to night and night changes to day. The default value 1 provides the same cycle speed as the singleplayer experience (and the official public servers). Values lower than 1 slow down the cycle; higher values accelerate it. Base time when value is 1 appears to be 1 minute real time equals approx. 28 minutes game time. Thus, for an approximate 24 hour day/night cycle in game, use .035 for the value.

Day cycle speed scale    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK during the day. This value determines the length of each day, relative to the length of each night (as specified by NightTimeSpeedScale. Lowering this value increases the length of each day.

Day time speed scale    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK during night time. This value determines the length of each night, relative to the length of each day (as specified by DayTimeSpeedScale. Lowering this value increases the length of each night.

Night time speed scale    1

; Specifies the difficulty level.

Difficulty Offset    1.3

; Allows you to override the difficulty offset to be higher than 1.0. Setting to 0 will be default.

Override Official Difficulty    5.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs\' food consumption. Higher values increase food consumption (dinosaurs get hungry faster).

Dino food drain multiplier    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs health recovery. Higher values increase the recovery rate (dinosaurs heal faster).

Dino health recovery multiplier    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs\' stamina consumption. Higher values increase stamina consumption (dinosaurs get tired faster).

Dino stamina drain multiplier    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaur spawns. Higher values increase the number of dinosaurs spawned throughout the ARK.

Dino count multiplier    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for the damage dinosaurs deal with their attacks. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it.

Dino damage multiplier    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage dinosaurs receive when attacked. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a dino taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in a dino taking double normal damage.

Dino resistance multiplier    1.00000

; if ticked Voice chat turns global

Global Voice Chat          

; Disables downloading characters from other servers

No Tribute Downloads   

; Prevents the download of survivors

Prevent downloading of player characters

; Prevents the download of items

Prevent downloading of items     

; Prevents the download of dinos

Prevent downloading of dinosaurs           

; Specifies the scaling factor for player characters food consumption. Higher values increase food consumption (player characters get hungry faster).

Player food drain multiplier    1

; Specifies the scaling factor for player characters health recovery. Higher values increase the recovery rate (player characters heal faster).

Player character health recovery multiplier    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for player characters stamina consumption. Higher values increase stamina consumption (player characters get tired faster).

Player character stamina drain multiplier    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for player characters water consumption. Higher values increase water consumption (player characters get thirsty faster).

Player character water drain multiplier    1

; Specifies the scaling factor for the damage players deal with their attacks. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it.

Player damage multiplier    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage players receive when attacked. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a player taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in taking double normal damage.

Player resistance multiplayer    1.00000

; tick to enable proximity chat

Proximity Chat  

; Defines the distance where there are no resources respawning when being close to a player

No resource replenish radius around players    1.00000

; Defines the distance where there are no resources respawning when being close to a structure

No resource replenish radius around structures    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for the respawn rate for resource nodes (trees, rocks, bushes, etc.). Lower values cause nodes to respawn more frequently.

Resource respawn period multiplier    1.00000

; If specified, players must provide this password (via the in-game console) to gain access to administrator commands on the server.

Admin Password

; If specified, players must provide this password to join the server.

Server Password           

; if ticked, Shows crosshair


; if ticked Show each player their own precise position when they view their map

Map Player Locations     

; Enables hardcore mode (player characters revert to level 1 upon death)


; Disables PvP, enables PvE


; HUD always disabled

No Hud

; Specifies the scaling factor for the damage structures deal with their attacks (i.e. spiked walls). The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it.

Structure damage multiplier    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage structures receive when attacked. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a structure taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in a structure taking double normal damage.

Structure resistance multiplier    1.00000

; Specifies the scaling factor for tamed dinosaurs damage. A value of 2.0 doubles the initial amount, a value of 0.5 half's it.

Tamed dino damage multiplier    1

; Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs fortitude. A value of 2.0 doubles the initial amount, a value of 0.5 half's it.

Tamed dino resistance multiplier    1

; Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaur taming speed. A value of 2.0 doubles the initial amount, a value of 0.5 half's it.

Taming Speed Multiplier    1

; Specifies the scaling factor for the experience received by players, tribes and dinosaurs for various actions. The default value 1 provides the same amounts of experience as in the singleplayer experience (and official public servers). Higher values increase XP amounts awarded for various actions; lower values decrease it.

XP Multiplier    1.00000

; Allows or disallows usage of gamma on PVE servers

Enable PVE gamma       

; Allows or disallows usage of gamma on PVP servers

Enable PVP Gamma       

; To use non-admin spectator, the server must specify a spectator password. Then any client can use these console commands: requestspectator and stopspectating. See patch 191.0 for more information and hotkeys.

Spectator Password       

; Specifies the scaling factor for the decay rate of player structures in PvE mode.

PVE structure decay period multiplayer    1.00000

; Specifies the time required for player structures to decay in PvE mode. The specific effect(s) of this option and its range of valid values are unknown as of this writing.

PVE structure decay destruction period    1.00000

; Uses the global banlist of ARK to disallow players access who have been identified as cheaters

Banlist    ""

; Activates (true) or deactivates (false) the structure decay on PVP servers

PVP structure decay      

; Deactivates the unclaiming functions for dinosaurs on PVE servers

Disable dino decay PVE  

; Multiplier value for the unclaiming speed of dinosaurs

PVE dino decay period multiplier    1.00000

; Enables the output of cheat commands that admins used (will be shown in chat)

Admin Logging  

; Defines the maximum amount of tamed dinos on the island

Maximum tamed dinos    4000

; Defines the maximum player limit per tribe

Maximum number of players in a tribe    2

; Defines how many tribes must have been created before the countdown for game start begins

Number of tribes to start game    2

; Defines the time period for the force field to collapse

Time to collapse rod    100

; Defines the length of the countdown before match begins

Battle autostart    100

; Defines the time before sudden death starts

Sudden death interval    300

; Time period until an idling player will be kicked from server

Kick idle players    1200

; Defines the multiplier for structures on saddle platforms (Please use with caution - too high values may lead to a massive lack of performance)

Per platform max structures multiplier    1.00000

; Defines the maximum number of structures on top of the saddle platform

Max platform saddle structure limit    25

; Higher number increases (by percentage) speed of crop growth

Crop growth speed multiplier    1.00000

; Higher number increases (by percentage) time between eggs spawning / being laid

Lay egg interval multiplier    1.00000

; Higher number increases (by percentage) how frequently you can poop

Poop interval multiplier    1.00000

; Higher number decrease (by percentage) speed of crop decay in plots

Crop decay speed multiplier    1.00000

; How quickly baby dinos eat food

Baby Food consumption speed multiplier    1.0

; Defines the cooldown time when a previously damaged structure can be repaired again. (0 allows the structure to be always repaired)

Structure damage repair cooldown    180

; Allow or disable locking All Item Containers

Force all structure locking          

; Server Option to allow Auto-Destroying Structures after sufficient \"no nearby Tribe\" time has passed (defined as a multiplier of the Allow Claim period)

Auto destroy old structures multiplier    1.00000

; Self-explanatory, Sets the game’s auto-save feature time in minutes

Autosave in minutes    15

; Wild dinos or dinos without a rider can take damage from defense structures like spikewalls if this setting is activated

Passive defences damage riderless dino's

; Determines if turrets are allowed on moving platforms or not. Yes will prevent it. No will allow it

Override Structure Platform Prevention   

; Activates the offline raid protection on PVP servers. Yes activates, No deactivates the raid protection

Prevent Offline PVP       

; Defines the time period of being offline so that a player will be really considered as being offline

Prevent Offline PvP Interval    900.0

; Determines if dinos of a player/tribe are also protected in the activated offline raid protection

PvP Dino Decay

; Determines if structures of a player/tribe are also protected in the activated offline raid protection

PvP Structure Decay      

; Deactivates (no) the bonus stats for a dino if you raise the baby by yourself

Disable Imprint Dino Buff           

; Allows everybody to cuddle with the dino baby

Allow Anyone Baby Imprint Cuddle         

; Prevents the building of structures on places which are rich of resources

Enable Extra Structure Prevention Volumes          

; Shows dealt damages in a RPG style

Show Floating Damage Text       

; PvP servers have an optional +(multiplier) minutes additonal respawn time that doubles each time you are killed

Increase PvP Respawn Interval  

; Allows you to adjust the PvP respawn interval check period

Increase PvP Respawn Interval Check Period    300.00

; Will increase the respawn time by multiplying this value by the check period.

Increase PvP Respawn Interval Multiplier    2.00

; Allows you to adjust the PvP respawn base time

Increase PvP Respawn Interval Base Amount    60.00

; how much of a stat boost the Dino receives from 100% imprint, 1 = a 30% boost 10 receives 100%

Baby Imprinting Stat Scale Multiplier    1.000000

; how often you need to cuddle lower numbers = smaller time between cuddles

Baby Cuddle Interval Multiplier    0.600000

; how long you have to interact with Dino when you first imprint

Baby Cuddle Grace Period Multiplier    1.000000

; decay time before the Dino starts to loose imprint% if you don’t interact when it wants to, higher numbers = more time

Baby Cuddle Lose Imprint Quality Speed Multiplier    1.000000

; Changes the amount harvested, a higher value will mean more harvested

Harvest Amount Multiplier    1


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