Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop | Server Configuration Print

  • Alien Swarm Reactive Drop Server Configuration, Alien Swarm, alien swarm, Alien Swarm Server Configuration, alien swarm server configuration, Alien Swarm Reactive Drop, alien swarm reactive drop, Server Configuration, server configuration
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It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Alien Swarm Reactive Drop Server. Just follow the steps below.

Part 1

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'reactivedrop\cfg\server.cfg'
  3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

sv_steamgroup 0
sv_region 255 // 0=US - East, 1=US - West, 2=South America, 3=Europe, 4=Asia, 5=Australia, 6=Middle East, 7=Africa, 255=World (default)
hostname "$[HostName]"
rcon_password $[RConPassword]

// region and contact
sv_contact "no-reply@localhost"

// server engine settings
asw_max_saves 5

// preload to avoid in game disk stutters
sv_forcepreload 1 //Force server side preloading.

// server log settings
con_timestamp 1
log off
sv_logfile 0 //Log server information in the log file.

// server remote connection protection settings
sv_rcon_banpenalty 86400
sv_rcon_maxfailures 1
sv_rcon_minfailures 1
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 300

// ASRD settings
asw_ignore_need_two_player_requirement 1
asw_marine_death_cam_slowdown 0
rd_adjust_sv_maxrate 0
rd_override_allow_rotate_camera 1
rd_ready_mark_override 1
rd_restart_mission_countdown 0
rd_server_shutdown_after_num_secs 3600
rd_server_shutdown_when_empty 1

// server bandwidth settings
sv_minrate 10240
sv_maxrate 78640
sv_mincmdrate 60
sv_maxcmdrate 60
sv_minupdaterat 59.94
sv_maxupdaterate 59.94

// Networking
net_maxcleartime 0.001 //Max number of seconds we can wait for next packets to be sent based on rate setting (0 == no limit).
net_maxfilesize 0 //Maximum allowed file size for uploading in MB
net_splitpacket_maxrate 786400 //Max bytes per second when queueing splitpacket chunks
net_splitrate 1 //Number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame

// server client-side lag control settings
sv_client_min_interp_ratio 3
sv_client_max_interp_ratio 10
sv_client_predict 1 //This can be used to force the value of cl_predict for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1 = let clients set this value

// supress loading model vertex data
mod_dont_load_vertices 1 //For the dedicated server, supress loading model vertex data

// limit gibs
prop_active_gib_limit 16
prop_active_gib_max_fade_time 600

// limit temporary entities
sv_multiplayer_maxtempentities 4
sv_multiplayer_sounds 4

// caches
datacachesize 128
filesystem_buffer_size 65536
mem_max_heapsize_dedicated 512 //Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache, for dedicated server (in mb)

// disable uploads/downloads
sv_allowdownload 0 //Allow clients to download files
sv_allowupload 0 //Allow clients to upload customizations files

// hibernate delay
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay 60
sv_hibernate_ms 60

// disable saves
save_async 0
save_disable 1
save_history_count 0
save_huddelayframes 0
sv_autosave 0 //Set to 1 to autosave game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers.
sv_stats 0 //Collect CPU usage stats

// connect to steam
setmaster add
setmaster enable

// Executable Config Files
exec banned_ip.cfg
exec banned_user.cfg

// lobby
map lobby


Part 2

  1. Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  2. Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'reactivedrop\cfg\autoexec.cfg'
  3. Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.

asw_max_saves 100
asw_default_campaign jacob
asw_vote_kick_fraction 1
asw_vote_leader_fraction 1
asw_marine_death_cam_slowdown 0
asw_reserve_marine_time 5

rd_server_shutdown_when_empty 1

rd_ready_mark_override 1
rd_override_allow_rotate_camera 1
rd_adjust_sv_maxrate 0
rd_leaderboard_enabled 0

sv_steamgroup 27357479
sv_region 0

//Set to 0 for unlimited frames, 30 for weak CPU or low bandwidth, 60 or 120
fps_max 120

net_splitpacket_maxrate 61440
net_maxcleartime 0.001
net_splitrate 2

// Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_maxrate 122880

// Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_minrate 1024

// Maximum updates per second that the server will allow (default 60)
sv_maxupdaterate 30
sv_maxcmdrate 30

// Minimum updates per second that the server will allow (default 10)
sv_minupdaterate 20
sv_mincmdrate 20

//Force server side preloading (default 0)
sv_forcepreload 1

//Force client side prediction (default 0)
sv_client_predict 1
sv_client_min_interp_ratio 0

// enable voice on server
sv_voiceenable 1

sv_autosave 0
sv_allow_wait_command 0
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 1
sv_forcepreload 1
sv_hibernate_ms 50
sv_hibernate_ms_vgui 250
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay 10
sv_hibernate_when_empty 1

log off
con_timestamp 1
con_logfile "console.log"
sv_logbans 1
sv_logblocks 0
sv_logecho 0
sv_logfile 0
sv_logflush 0
sv_logsdir logs
sv_log_onefile 0
log on

sv_allowupload 0
sv_allowdownload 0
sv_consistency 1
sv_cheats 0
sv_lan 0

sv_rcon_banpenalty 0
sv_rcon_maxfailures 10
sv_rcon_minfailures 5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30
sv_rcon_log 1

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