To set yourself as an admin in the game panel follow the below steps
You can get your Steam64ID from this site:
- Click on configuration files
- Click text editor next to
- Enter your steam64ID or slgID in the admin file like so
{ "$id": "1", "RequireAuthentication": true, "AllowDebugCalls": true, "PrivateServer": false, "WhiteList": { "$id": "2", "System.String": { "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "$values": [] } }, "BlackList": { "$id": "3", "System.String": { "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "$values": [] } }, "Admins": { "$id": "4", "System.String": { "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.String, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "$values": [ "12345678901234567", "09876543210987654" ] } }, "MaxSlots": -1 }
- Save the file & reboot server to apply
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