Once a dedicated server is running, the following commands can be run via the "Web Console" in your gamepanel:
- help - Displays a list of commands.
- playing - Shows the list of players. This can be used in-game by typing /playing into the chat.
- clear - Clear the console window.
- exit - Shutdown the server and save.
- exit-nosave - Shutdown the server without saving.
- save - Save the game world.
- kick <player></player> - Kicks a player from the server.
- ban <player></player> - Bans a player from the server.
- password - Show password.
- password <pass></pass> - Change password.
- version - Print version number.
- time - Display game time.
- port - Print the listening port.
- maxplayers - Print the max number of players.
- say <words></words> - Send a message to all players. They will see the message in yellow prefixed with <server></server> in the chat.
- motd - Print MOTD.
- motd <words></words> - Change MOTD.
- dawn - Change time to dawn (4:30 AM).
- noon - Change time to noon (12:00 PM).
- dusk - Change time to dusk (7:30 PM).
- midnight - Change time to midnight (12:00 AM).
- settle - Settle all water.
Note that a forward-slash / is not required to precede the command, as some command interfaces require.
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