
Insurgency Sandstorm | Change message of the day The server can be configured with a Message of the Day (MotD) file to announce a message of the... Insurgency Sandstorm | Changing the map / Custom map cycle The server can be configured with a map cycle file which contains a list of scenarios. By... Insurgency Sandstorm | How to Add Yourself as an Admin To add yourself as an admin, just follow the steps below:1. Obtain your steam64ID from... Insurgency Sandstorm | How to add a Game Server Login Token (GSLT) In order for your server to be able to authenticate with the stats server, you must authenticate... Insurgency Sandstorm | How to enable GameStats You must complete the process covered here (How to add Game Server Login Token) BEFORE you... Insurgency Sandstorm | How to setup ISMC ISMCmod brings a plethora of content to the game including weapons, attachments, cosmetics, new... Insurgency Sandstorm | Mods As of the 1.6 update, you can host mods on your server. Mods are delivered using 1.... Insurgency Sandstorm | Mutators Mutators (used to be called → rule sets) are packaged gameplay configuration assets which the... Insurgency Sandstorm | Mutators Advanced Setup Please make sure you've completed the steps in our Mutators guide here:... Insurgency Sandstorm | Night Maps (Lighting Scenarios) As of version 1.7, Night scenarios (maps) are available. This is controlled through the travel... Insurgency Sandstorm | Player Voting Update 1.1 added the ability for community servers to enable player voting on their servers. This... Insurgency Sandstorm | RCON Commands You can get a list of commands at any time by typing help into the console. This will show a... Insurgency Sandstorm | Scenario List (Map List) If you are setting the starting map via commandline make sure to use the map name in brackets ()... Insurgency Sandstorm | Server Configuration It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Insurgency Sandstorm Server. Just follow the steps below.... Insurgency Sandstorm | Setting up Official Ruleset (Competitive) The game ships with a rule set which are considered "official rules", this locks down the options... Insurgency Sandstorm | XP Gain on server In order to have XP gain enabled on your Insurgency Sandstorm server you need to do the...
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