It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Heat Server. Just follow the steps below.
- Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
- Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'ServerSettings.cfg'
- Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
version = '5'
# -- Server --
isPrivate = 'False' # Hides from the lobby if true.
serverName = ' TEST'
greeting = 'Welcome to another pingperfect gameserver, %user%!' # Displayed to players when they join. Leave empty to disable. %user% = User who joined, %server% = Name of server.
maxPlayers = '8' # [Minimum = 1, Maximum = 40]
bindIP = '' # The IP to bind the server to. Default:
portNumber = '20215' # (Port-forward as UDP)
password = ''
restartInterval = '28800' # The number of seconds between restarts. -1 to disable. This is ignored if restartHour is set.
restartHour = '-1' # The 24 hour time (UTC) to perform a restart. -1 to disable. EX: 23 = 11 PM UTC
restartMessage = 'The server will restart in %timeLeft%.' # Variables: %timeLeft%
Restart Warning Times { # The time in seconds remaining to warn the players that the server will restart.
- '3600'
- '1800'
- '600'
- '300'
- '30'
enableCommands = 'True' # When set to false, all commands are disabled.
connectionTimeout = '600' # The amount of seconds a client can be unresponsive before being kicked.
steamAuthTimeout = '600' # The amount of seconds before the steam authentication fails when a player connects.
steamAuthPort = '20216' # The port the steam authenticator will use to communicate with steam.
asyncPort = '20219' # The port used for background communication. (Port-forward as TCP)
timeBetweenPlayerJoin = '10' # The seconds the server waits before allowing a player since the last player joined. Default: 10
targetFrameRate = '60' # Default: 60
# -- Ping Limit --
enablePingLimit = 'False' # Kick players who exceed the ping limit while this is enabled.
pingPort = '7450' # (Port-forward as TCP) The port dedicated to managing player pings. This number can be shared with the gameplay port.
pingLimit = '250' # [Minimum = 50, Maximum = 10000] An average ping limit in milliseconds. eg. 200 = 0.2 seconds
pingGraphLength = '360' # [Minimum = 10, Maximum = 3600] The length of the graph used to calculate the average ping as seconds. A longer graph gives more room for latency spikes. eg. 120 = 2 minutes
# -- World --
saveLocation = 'Saves/' # The location to save the worlds slots.
autoSaveInterval = '3600' # How often the server saves in seconds. -1 to disable. (Default: 3600 = 1 hour)
worldSlot = '1' # -1 creates a new world.
allowSaving = 'True'
levelName = 'America' # America
# -- Backups --
# The server will always backup before saving in case the save fails.
# These settings determine if you would like to keep the backups.
backupsEnabled = 'True' # When true, the server will keep backups after saving.
backupCountLimit = '5' # The number of backups to keep. (-1 allows infinite)
backupSizeLimit = '1000' # Keeps the total size of all the backups under the specified size in MB. (1000 MB = 1 GB, -1 to disable)
backupExpireTime = '720' # Removes any backups that are older then the specified number of hours. (24 = 1 day, 720 = 1 month, -1 to disable)
# -- Game --
decay = 'True' # If placed objects and blocks decay and destroy over time.
# Changing these values will not affect pre-existing objects, also these were expected to be for very longs times and thus might not show immediate results if set low.
decayMulti = '1' # A multiplier for decay time. >0 and < 1 means quicker, > 1 means slower. ExceptedTime * Multiplier = ActualTime.
sleeperStarveTimer = '864000' # A timer that kills a player who stays asleep for the full duration. (0 to disable)
sleeperDrownTimer = '300' # A timer that kills a player who stays asleep under water. (0 to disable)
landSiege = 'True' # If the land area can be under siege.
buildingCollapsing = 'True' # If buildings collapse when not attached to the ground.
permanentMaterials { # Building materials that cannot be destroyed with a construction hammer: Stick, Clay, Log, Timber, ReinforcedWood, Stone, Brick, Concrete, Metal
paidRemovalMaterials { # Building materials that require payment to destroy with a construction hammer: Stick, Clay, Log, Timber, ReinforcedWood, Stone, Brick, Concrete, Metal
- 'Clay'
- 'Log'
- 'Timber'
- 'Stone'
- 'Brick'
- 'Concrete'
- 'Metal'
nonRefundableMaterials { # Building materials that cannot refund resources when destroyed with a construction hammer: Stick, Clay, Log, Timber, ReinforcedWood, Stone, Brick, Concrete, Metal
- 'Clay'
- 'Log'
- 'Timber'
- 'Stone'
- 'Brick'
- 'Concrete'
- 'Metal'
paidRemovalMultiplier = '1' # Paid building material removal is based on the value of the property, multiplied by this.
paidRemovalMin = '10' # The minimum payment to remove building materials.
paidRemovalMax = '50' # The maximum payment to remove building materials.
dailyInterestRate = '0.001' # The daily interest rate used for loans. Compounds per in-game day at midnight.
startingYear = '1' # The year the server will start at (1 - 3000).
startingSeason = '1' # The season the server will start at. (0-3) eg. 0 = Winter, 1 = Spring, 2 = Summer, 3 = Autumn
startingDay = '1' # The day the server will start at (1-28)
keepItemsOnDeath = 'False' # Enable for players to keep all equipment and inventory items when they die.
lockContainers = 'False' # Enable to lock containers that would not normally have one. Only flags can be lockpicked.
lockFarms = 'False' # Enable to lock farm plots from collection by enemy players.
playerPVP = 'True' # Allows players to be damaged in PVP combat. They can still be damaged by the environment, wild creatures, and free NPCs.
npcPVP = 'True' # Allows NPCs to be damaged in PVP combat. They can still be damaged by the environment, wild creatures, and free NPCs.
structurePVP = 'True' # Allows structures to be damaged in PVP combat. They can still be damaged on free land, by decay, and by free NPCs.
landClaimInvincibility = 'False' # Enable to make claim flags invincible. When enabled, the flag will only be damaged by decay.
landClaimCooldown = '3600' # The timer after a successful flag placement where a player cannot claim more land. (0 to disable)
landClaimBuyoutMultiplier = '100' # A land value multiplier, requiring payment to take land from an opposing player. (0 to disable)
basePropertyTax = '1' # The base value for property tax in dollars. (0 or greater)
groupTaxPerLandAdded = '0.01' # A multiplier added to group property tax for each land plot owned. (0 or greater)
groupTaxPerLandLimit = '5' # An upper limit for the group tax multiplier. (0 or greater)
minPropertyTaxHike = '0' # The minimum adjustable property tax. (0-10)
maxPropertyTaxHike = '0.1' # The maximum adjustable property tax. (0-10)
baseSalesTax = '0.1' # The base percentage for sales tax. (0 or greater)
minSalesTaxHike = '0' # The minimum adjustable sales tax. (0-10)
maxSalesTaxHike = '0.2' # The maximum adjustable sales tax. (0-10)
allowCompasses = 'True' # Allows players to use the compass hud.
autoCullInventory = 'False' # Attempt to delete old saved items that can no longer be looted in-game when the server starts.
disableLogging = 'False' # Disable all chat and error logging.
npcPartyLimit = '4' # The maximum number of active NPCs each player can have in their party. WARNING: High NPC limits can severely degrade server performance as player count rises.
npcGenericLimit = '64' # The maximum number of generic NPC spawns. eg. Wild Animals
npcBanditLimit = '30' # The maximum number of hostile bandit NPCs.
npcMercenaryLimit = '30' # The maximum number of defensive mercenary NPCs.
npcMarshalLimit = '20' # The maximum number of defensive marshal NPCs.
npcTownsfolkLimit = '8' # The maximum number of passive townsfolk NPCs. Each town has its own NPC limit: Sacayo, Tombstone, and Washington.
npcFlexibleLimit = '20' # A category that can extend other NPC limits while demand is high.
enableTemperature = 'True' # Enable to simulate player body temperature in extreme climates.
rainMultiplier = '1' # Multiply the chance of precipitation. (0 or greater)
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